Really it is. Three years ago, God answered a prayer that I had made in my usual half hearted weak faith. I think I whispered it while sitting beside the neighborhood pool one summer day. "God, how can I lose this weight. I do not know how, please show me."
Shortly after that my sister called to tell me about a new prayer/wieght loss program. I really didn't listen and she had to remind me a few times about the first meeting. The program is The Light Weigh created by Suzanne Fowler. Bottom line: I lost 70 lbs in about 9 months and kept it off for another year and half, until Holly was on the way :-)
Now I have a few more pounds to get back to where I was, but have been having difficulty finding a focus. Today's revelation is this: You'd think Holly's upcoming surgery would be focus enough. But it is not. I am paralyzed by the thought. Not moved to action (sacrificing food) and prayer.
Fortunately, God is our God of Second Chances, and I can find a new focus, which I have something that will move me in mind. And I can trust that all the prayers on Holly's behalf will be sufficient, even if I am not focused on that surgery. Thank you God, that other prayers will carry us through the next several weeks. Thank you for showing me that I can sacrifice for someone else and trust You to take care of Holly. Me being paralyzed by fear does no good, but sacrifice and prayer, for whatever reason, will release God's grace and mercy into our world.
What a refreshing thought for my day: Enough is as Good as a Feast. Really it is.
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