(Although, I must admit, I am already planning the Christmas tree for next year's Festival of Trees!) Pictures are few from Christmas Day. Yes, its been that kind of month. But here's what I do have:
Peanut Butter No Bake, Peanut Butter Balls, and Butter Spritz Cookies.
I didn't think this was "enough". However, Martha Stewart gave out cookie boxes with only 4 gingerbread trees. FOUR cookies in the whole box! I need to redefine "enough".
The Christmas Card!
To cap off the whole month of sleeplessness due to reflux and the virus, Holly had another leaf in her cleft. Sometime during the week before Christmas, but after our last doctor's appointment, she got a leaf in her mouth, up through the gumline into her nose. A good size leaf too. She coughed and refused to sleep for the entire week before Christmas. I found it on the 27th. After she bumped her mouth on a toy. Now three days later, I think, I think, she is going to be really well. No surgery in sight, no virus or cold and no leaf.
Hopes are high for a very Merry New Year and Wishing Peace on Earth to Men of Good Will!