Unbelievably amazed at how much Holly has grown and learned in the past year! One morning, she pointed a flashlight at Anna, and remarked "Well, well. What do we have here?" Holly learns lighting fast and remembers everything. Even the Christmas parade from last year.
She does't have an appointment with the plastic surgeon for another 6 months, but all her scars are healing nicely. Most people don't even notice. Still having some milk allergy/lactose intolerance issues, but Zyrtec seems to make a big tremendous difference. (And if you are a parent of a newborn with a cleft, Holly can drink out of any ol' straw you give her! Hooray! Not that you'd think that is a big deal..but every success is Success Worth Celebrating!)
When I went to pick up her preschool pics, I was so overwhelmed at how far she has come. Grateful doesn't begin to describe it. Thank you for all your prayers for Holly Marie! And Thank you Jesus for blessing our family with a truly precious child!